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Are we the same or different after twenty years of independence?

Project title: Are We the Same or Different after Twenty Years of Independence?

Term: September 2013 - March 2014

Project number: 133

Partner schools: OA a VOŠ Příbram, Czech Republic

                            Súkromná obchodná akadémia Žiar nad Hronom, Slovak Republic

Aces in an association founded in 2006 by ERSTE Foundation in cooperation with Interkulturelles Zentrum (Vienna, Austria). In 2009, VČELÍ DOM (Bratislava, Slovak Republic) joined in the partnership. The aces school network seeks to enhance the active participation of young people and teachers in exchange processes and international cooperation. Every year ACES suggest a new project theme, the overall theme of the aces call 2013 is:

“I and the others: Discovering diversity around and within me”  

The secondary vocational school for business based in Příbram is going to participate in a project together with a partner school in the Slovak Republic, our topics is diversity, variety, dissimilarity or difference about living in the Czech and Slovak Republic. Czechs and Slovaks used to live in one country from 1918 to 1933. What is the reception of young people from both countries and their attitude to our common life in the past? Do they feel, we are the same or not? During the project we will concentrate on particular topics and analyse them in selected subjects. Every topic will be treated for one month and the result will be presented on the web. An important part of the project is a visit to both partner schools.

Project activities:

Kick-Off meeting- Bukurest, Romania -  30 September - 4 October 2013

Project meeting in Příbram, Czech Republic - 11 - 15 November 2013

Workshop - Diversity at our school - 19 December 2013

Project meeting in Žiar nad Hronom, Slovak Republic  - 24 - 28 February 2014

Aces Academy, Senec, Slovak Republic - 1 - 4 April 2014

Results and outcomes in paticular subjects:

English     National language      Social science/civics   Economy    Geography/Environmental studies     History