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Project meeting in Příbram  

Term: 11 - 15 November 2013



Project meeting in Příbram

In the second week in November our school hosted a group of five students and one teacher from our ACES partner school in Žiar nad Hronom. The whole meeting had a clear topic of diversity and we tried to find similarities and differences around us. Students from the class 2.C Markéta Kořínková, Matěj Pajma, Martina Truhlářová, Simona Venkrbcová and Alice Jechortová accommodated their Slovak friends in their homes and together with other project members Lukáš Žatečka, Tereza Rysová, Monika Zoubková and Míša Pohanová took care of our partners for the whole project week. On Tuesday we visited Prague, Czech students prepared and excursion on the Royal Way and presented basic historic information about sights in our capital city, Prague. On Wednesday we spent whole day together at school. Slovak students visited lessons of accounting, economics and English and could compare the level of these subjects in the Czech and Slovak Republic. On Wednesday afternoon the regional students´ firm trade started at Business academy. On the first day numerous students´ firms come to Příbram and present their companies to a committee. Thanks to the project meeting our colleague from the Slovak Republic Alexander Frič was a member of the committee and evaluated the presentations, level of manners, clothing and spoken presentation in Czech and foreign language. On Thursday morning, the students´ firm trade was officially opened in the Little Castle of Přibram by the head of our school RNDr. Marcela Blažkova and after that making business at stalls could have been started. Students´ firms from Žiaru nad Hronom also had a stall here and therefore all visitors could try, if they are able to understand Slovak language and they could also see the offer of foreign firms. After lunch, we showed our partners the Mining Museum in Příbram which is an integral part of our city and after that we met at our final dinner. To sum up, our meeting was short but very nice and inspiring for all of us.

Lenka Lexová